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I. About Us​

Artfulleyla GALLERY

The Art Gallery of
Artfulleyla & Best Friends

About Me

A Visionary Painter Crafting Emotion on Canvas

Miniature Marvels: Crafting Intricacy, Capturing Beauty

Leyla Feizollahi - CEO / FOUNDER

Coming Soon about me


The Beginning & Mission​


He Was Born in 1977 Isfahan

Childhood Whispers

In the quiet embrace of her childhood, Leila harbored a luminous dream. From the tender age when the world was a canvas of endless possibilities, she held a heartfelt desire to share the kaleidoscope of her imagination with others. Through the lens of her innocent eyes, art was not merely an expression but a bridge that could connect hearts and illuminate the world.

One day, as a child, she gazed upon the sunset, her small fingers tracing the fiery hues that painted the sky. In that moment, a determination sparkled in her eyes—Leila wished to capture the beauty of life and present it to the world through her art. This childhood dream, like a delicate seed, was planted in the fertile soil of her imagination, destined to grow into an inspiring journey of creativity and connection.

Teenage Triumph

Fast forward to her teenage years, where the ardor of youth met the pursuit of passion. Leila, armed with determination and an unwavering spirit, showcased her first art exhibition. The walls of the gallery bore witness to the transformation of dreams into reality.

The moment was not just about displaying paintings; it was a triumphant dance of colors and emotions, a proclamation that her childhood yearning had blossomed into a tangible manifestation. Faces lit up with admiration, and the gallery echoed with whispers of awe, affirming that Leila’s art had indeed become a bridge connecting her soul to those who beheld it.



Immigration to USA in Georgia


He Was New Born in 2021 Georgia

Adulthood's Authenticity

Now, in the tapestry of adulthood, Leila faced challenges that sought to test the mettle of her dreams. Life’s complexities wove intricate patterns, and amidst it all, she clung to her artistic vision. A significant turning point emerged when she decided to embrace the vulnerability of her own experiences, infusing her creations with the authenticity of her journey.

In a solo exhibition, Leila laid bare her heart on canvas. Each stroke told a story of resilience, each color spoke of overcoming adversity. The response was not just applause; it was a shared recognition of the universal human experience encapsulated in her art. Leila had not only fulfilled her childhood dream but had also evolved into an artist who painted not only for herself but for the collective soul.

In these three pivotal moments, from the innocent dreams of childhood to the triumphant teenage exhibition and the authentic storytelling of adulthood, Leila’s journey unfolded—a testament to the enduring power of art, dreams, and the unwavering spirit of a creative soul.